Mosque of Omar


The Mosque of Omar is the oldest and foremost Mosque in Bethlehem. This Mosque was dedicated to the memory of the Caliph Omar Ibn El Khattab who visited Bethlehem in 637 AD after he had issued an edict pledging safety to all Christians and clergy and respect for their shrines.


It was originally a simple place of worship situated on the west side of the Manger Square and opposite to the Church of the Nativity. No improvement or renovation was carried out during the Ottoman Regime or during the British Mandate. However in 1955 during the Jordanian regime, the Mosque of Omar was totally renovated.


It was customary practice for Moslems and Christians in Bethlehem to offer olive oil to light up the Mosque, which is an evidence of Christian-Moslem coexistence and brotherhood.


The Mosque of Omar

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