St. George Church at El Khader

The name "El Khader" literally means " The Green", which makes this figure especially appropriate in the Bethlehem region because of the fertility of the area and its green vegetation


The Figure of El-Khader plays a prominent role. His history has roots going back to the Syrian and Babylonian fertility gods Adonis and Tammuz. He is seen as a figure that seeks the foundation of eternal youth. He is associated with the Old Testament prophet Elijah and St. George in the Christian tradition. 


South of Bethlehem is the Village of El-Khader, where there is a Greek Orthodox church dedicated to St. George.


Both Christians and Moslems visit the shrine on a regular basis. At the entrance to the Village is stone relief showing the figure of St. George mounted on a horse and slaying the dragon. The image demonstrates the identification of these two figures- El-Khader and St. George- in popular belief. In Bethlehem many houses have stone relief of St. George and the dragon above their doorways.


Entrance to the Village of El Khader

St. George mounted on 

a horse and slaying the dragon


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